Student: David Henry Francis Wicker (I6350383)

Report: The magical science of storytelling

Verbal delivery (119 words) From a verbal delivery point of view, David Philipps makes use of personal anecdotes and storytelling to capture the attention of the audience and make his presentation more captivating. His words are well chosen, with the awareness that different word choices impact also the feelings and images that can be conveyed to the audience. He also makes frequent use of humor and rhetorical questions to engage with the audience. I believe in my own presentations I could incorporate a more curated word choice and could improve my ability in engaging the audience through rhetorical questions and personal anecdotes. I could also improve my ability to use pauses between words and sentences to create tension and interest in my presentations.

Vocal delivery (108 words) From a vocal delivery point of view, David Philipps leverages volume, tone and rate to enhance his presentation. His tone is constantly modulated to create excitement and/or to highlight important details. With regards to the rate of the presentation, the presenter speeds up or slows down to convey urgency or excitement and in general to match the emotional tone of the content. With this in mind, when it comes to my own presentation skills, I could improve the way I modulate my voice. I should also speak more clearly and louder in general, as I have received complaints in the past that my voice is too low.

Visual delivery (153 words) From a visual delivery point of view, David Philipps controls his posture and positioning throughout the presentation to enhance engagement. His formal, yet approachable, clothing is accompanied by an inviting and open stance which increases credibility without imposing any form of distance. He uses the entirety of the stage for his presentation, moving closer to the audience during personal stories, or standing still during moments of emphasis. He also makes use of non-verbal cues to reinforce his message and to engage the audience. When it comes to my own presentation skills, I should improve the way I use the stage and to become more comfortable with moving around and to get closer to the audience. I should also learn to employ a more open and inviting stance, with movements and gestures tailored to the content I am presenting and the message I wish to convey. I should also improve eye-contact with the audience.

Self Assessment

Aspect to ImproveCurrent SituationGoal and Plan
Vocal VolumeCurrently, my voice tends to be too soft during presentations, which can make it difficult for those at the back of the room to hear me clearly.My goal is to project my voice more strongly across the room. I will practice speaking from my diaphragm and do vocal exercises to increase my volume. I’ll record myself speaking and listen to the playback to ensure my voice is loud and clear.
Body LanguageI often find myself standing very rigidly, which may come across as unapproachable or nervous to the audience.I aim to use more open and expressive body language to appear more engaged and confident. I will practice using hand gestures to emphasize points and move around the space if appropriate. I’ll watch videos of effective speakers and mirror their body language in practice sessions.