Concept overview


The objects that are stored in a Data Structure in this model are like indistinguishable Black Boxes, and the only way to distinguish them is through a comparison between the keys of items. Is the key bigger, smaller or are they the same?

→ This applies to many search algorithms

Comparison operation

All these comparison operations can only give two outputs (true or false)

  • Less than (or equal to)
  • Greater then (or equal to)
  • Equal
  • Not equal
Representing the algorithms

The comparisons done by the algorithm can be represented by a Binary Tree. The output of the search algorithm can be an index of the item that contains the key. We need at least n+1 outputs, since we need to be able to retrieve any of the items we are storing, and one output if the item is not in there.

Number of comparisons of the algorithm

How many comparisons does the algorithm have to do? → In the worst case, as many as the longest root-to-leaf path in the tree, which is the height of the tree.

What is the minimum height of any binary tree that has at least n+1 leafs? → The best you can do (balanced binary tree), is log-n. Minimum height, is log(n)

Comparisons’ branching factor

Comparisons have a constant branching factor. Regardless of the constant (2 or 3) branching factor, the height of the binary tree will still be log(n)

Key personalities