Tutorial questions

  • Applying Moore’s Law, how much larger would you expect a computer from 30 years ago to be by comparison to the computer you currently use?
    • Moore’s Law states that the number of transistors in a chip doubles every 2 years.
    • So a computer 30 years ago would theoretically be 30/2 (15) times larger than today
  • Using the Mayan numeral system, what are the decimal numbers 12, 123, 452, and 1256? Research online for your answer.
  • Each text message contains a date (8 bytes), time sent (4 bytes), up to 160 characters of text, and the sender’s phone number (8-byte number). How many text messages can you store on a 128GB hard drive? [Hint: Read the required reading for this lecture]
  • What would happen if you ran out of RAM? What would happen if you ran out of permanent storage?
  • Complete the truth table for the logical statement A AND (B OR C) and draw the circuit diagram for this system.
  • Show how to convert the following binary numbers to decimal:
    • a. 1101
    • b. 1111101000
    • c. 11.0011
    • d. 11.110001
  • Design truth tables and ciruit diagrams for the following Boolean expressions:
    • a. not (a and b)
    • b. not (a or b)
    • c. not a or not b
    • d. not a and not b

Tutorial sheet