Tutorial questions

==Subjective questions==

  1. Define the following terms:
    1. a) Automaton
    2. b) Alphabet
    3. c) String
    4. d) Language
  2. Given an alphabet Σ = {a, b}, list some valid strings over Σ.
  3. Explain why we need a simpler way of discussing computing machines.
  4. Describe the concept of an automaton and its role as a mathematical model of a com- puting device.
  5. What are the reasons for building models in computing? Explain the significance of finite automata as abstractions of computers
  6. Define an alphabet and a string over an alphabet Σ. Provide examples.
  7. Given an alphabet Σ = {a, b, c}, list some valid strings in the language of palindromes over Σ.

Objective questions

  1. Define an NFA and explain how it differs from a DFA in terms of determinism.
  2. Define the formal structure of a DFA and NFA (hint: look at the 5 tuple structure I disucssed in the lecture).

Design DFA

Design NFA

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