Tutorial Questions

Subjective questions

  1. Find examples of two different security breaches or hacks. Which companies were affected? What kinds of information were taken? How did the companies respond?
  2. Why is encryption important?
  3. What makes for a good password? How can you make sure you choose good passwords?
  4. Describe two different things you (a programmer) can do to protect yourself and your data. What type of attacks does each prevent against?
  5. What is another example of a common way that you are tested by knowledge besides a password?
  6. Read the privacy policy of a company of your choice. Describe things you found interesting in that privacy policy (and include the name of the company)
  7. What is the purpose of hashing?

Multiple choice questions

  1. Which of the following is NOT a common method used in Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)?
    1. A) Something you know (password)
    2. B) Something you have (mobile device)
    3. C) Something you eat (a type of food)
    4. D) Something you are (fingerprint)

Tutorial sheet